Step by step, inch by inch

Oct 15, 2011 | News

We  are still testing the transmitter in Sutton- it plays music 24×7 with our call sign on the hour (as mandated by the FCC).  It’s amazing where the signal can be heard:  on the Hayflats, on the Old Glenn by Eklutna, parts of Palmer..  drop an email to and let us know where you hear us broadcasting.  We’re at 89.5 on the  FM dial.
At the transmitter site, the fence is almost done and we’ll be installing the Emergency Alert System (AES) unit soon thanks to the donation from the Mat Valley Federal Credit Union.
We are continuing to prep the translator site: we’ll be cutting down the trees at the site and then connecting the site to the studio via a direct satellite link. Then we’ll be testing it.
Big cabbage radio needs all of you to be a success.. your ideas, your volunteer efforts, your financial contributions.  We are in a 6-week fundraising drive.  Help us grow a really big cabbage!

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